Certified Holistic Nutritionist
eCornell Plant-based Nutrition Certificate

Something About Mary

My Story
Skinny doesn't mean healthy!
I'll never forget my modeling agent say to me, "Galanos is coming to San Francisco to show his new collection. DON'T EAT!" After meeting with the designer in person, I was ecstatic to hear I booked the show. Guess what I couldn't wait to do after the show? EAT!
Years later when I transitioned into acting, I was so grateful to be a normal size 8 and get to eat again.
After living in LA for many years, I moved back to the Bay Area to help care for my mom. During that time, I witnessed so much ill health in the eldercare centers. I hated seeing my mom suffer so much.
I thought to myself, "There must be a better way to live out our golden years. Could our dietary habits affect our health later in life?" I wanted to find out.
I studied a Whole Foods Plant-Based diet and compared it to the Standard American Diet (SAD). Stunningly, there is overwhelming scientific evidence that a Whole Foods Plant-Based diet is in fact the healthiest for longevity and for reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Correspondingly, the SAD diet increases our mortality and risk for developing chronic diseases. Why don't doctors tell us this crucial, life-changing information? The answer is simple: Doctors aren't taught nutrition in medical school. Doctors that advocate a plant-based diet, studied nutrition after they went to medical school.
Today, fortunately, there is an ever-growing roster of highly-esteemed plant-based doctors leading the way to health and wellness: Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn, Joel Fuhrman, Michael Greger, John McDougall, Neal Barnard (PCRM), Kim Williams, T. Colin Campbell, Pam Popper, Michael Klapper, and many more. These are my teachers.
I'm now 100% whole foods plant-based and feel healthier than I have in decades. I make sure to add weight bearing exercise to my routine several times a week. My bones are healthy and strong.
As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist,
my goal is to do everything I can to stay healthy and avoid disease through diet and exercise. I want the same for you and your loved ones.
Feel free to contact me at mary@mary-mackey.com
I continue to work as an actress and commercial print model in the San Francisco Bay Area. http://www.imdb.me/MaryMackey